Monday, November 13, 2023

Cannon Project P. 4

This is a continuation of my cannon project. For this step, I imported my model into ZBrush and sculpted a high-resolution version of the cannon. Here are the renders:



  1. Looks really great. The difference between the wood and metal elements is very apparent and the damages look realistic.

  2. Only feedback I would have is that the spherical piece on the back is clipping into the wood piece in a way that seems weird. There's nothing there to indicate a hole that it's sitting in or grooves or a rim or anything

  3. Overall I think you made your cannon very clean and stylized, I love all of the detail work that went into your cannon. My only critique would be to put a little more detail into your wheels.

  4. Shaely I think you're nailing this so the only things I have for you are pretty nitpicky. The base that it's sitting on isn't flush to the floor, which becomes very noticeable on the corners where it's a centimeter or 2 off the ground. However I think you look fantastic on everything else.

  5. Great work! If you're trying to 100% replicate your reference I'd suggest you add the metal part on the wheels that meet at the center of the wheel. I also think the cannon itself is a bit too thin at the rim but overall it looks amazing!

  6. Nice work on the wood. Would like the same level of detail on metal parts as well. Maybe add some noise filters that can give you the effect similar to the concept art. WHeel metal parts are missing bolts. Are you planning on adding them in SP as a normal map?

  7. Add a bit more separation between the wooden spokes of the wheel and the metal diamond in the center. make sure the wood grain carries around all sides of the wood, when you peer in the top edge it gets lost. Great otherwise! I love it!

  8. I really liked the cannon, you did a great job with stylizing it. Maybe you could make the base bigger so the plants will look like they were growing on top of it. Great work!

  9. Your work looks good! The texture of the grains of wood in your work match up well with your reference image. The only thing I would say, to me the platform underneath your cannon looks like it is slightly floating away from the ground.

  10. Hello, I really like how the sculpt is coming along, I think the sculpt is very close to matching the concept, the shapes and edgewear is looking really good. One thing that I would recommend you keep pushing is the level of rust and decay in the wheel axels and the little telescopes

  11. Great sculpt on this one! Are you going to add the metal pieces on the wheels like in the reference? My only critique is to maybe add that?

  12. The metal in general could use a bit more detail, the concept has a lot of bolts that your sculpt is missing. There's a brush that can add that fast in ZBrush. The wood detail is a bit faint from a distance. Very cute cannon, it's friend shaped.

  13. Beautiful sculpt, especially the wood which looks almost like the real thing! The only thing I'm seeing is I think the wooden barrel part of the cannon is missing another metal band at the rear?

    1. Also you could think about adding more of the rivets from the reference?

  14. I loved the wood work, it's really good. I just think, if we compare it with the reference I feel like the proportion are off for certain things like the wheels width, Steam thing seems a bit different then the actual reference. I really like it presentation wise.

  15. I like the thickness of the wheel, but it seems like some of the other parts are missing that volume. Also, define the separation between the wood and metal a bit more.

  16. I think your cannon looks great. I really like the way you sculpted out details for the barrel and how you carved out the wood. The grass may need to more variety and touchups to push the environment


Portfolio 3 - P.4

For this project, I am creating a bust of this character made by Oscar Vega! You can find his Artstation at  this link here. Reference Board...